Remembering to take water breaks with a simple macOS app

TakeSip - Your Hydration Companion

Remembering to take water breaks with a simple macOS app

Launch Date: 20 Mar 2024
Promised yourself to drink more water and failed? 💧 Staying hydrated is essential for your health! Despite its importance, many struggle to consume enough water. TakeSip, a macOS app, simplifies hydration with regular reminders. Get our app now! Why waiting?

Health & Fitness

Product Hunt


Keeping hydrated is crucial for health and well-being, but many people do not consume enough fluids each day. Water is essential to every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. Staying hydrated helps maintain the balance of bodily fluids, supports vital functions, and can improve concentration and mood.

With TakeSip, a simple macOS app, remembering to take a water break is easier than ever. Our app reminds you to take a sip regularly, helping you maintain good hydration habits effortlessly.

This is still MVP but alive and kicking.

Yes, there are tons of health-tracking apps. But what if you want to get rid of that Tamagotchi (your phone) and don't look at any notifications you receive? Still, most of us work business hours in front of the computer - this is where we want our reminder to stay hydrated to be noticeable. Not like just another notification, which will be lost in the hundreds of other beeps.

Stay Hydrated, Stay Healthy!